Welcome to the Unmanned Systems Club! You are in the place where you can develop yourself for your future and career and also support National Technology Move in our country with projects.
This email has reached you hence the form you have filled out at the fair. For club membership, please enter your personal information with the GÜNCELLE (UPDATE) button on the right. After this process, we will have completed the Basic Membership of Unmanned Systems Club. A separate application form for Membership of Project Teams is available on our website. We recommend that you read the detailed information about memberships from our website.
We also organize a meeting tomorrow for those who want to be in our club and be informed. We look forward to meeting you. We’re sorry it’s a late meeting. We hope it will be a productive education and project year for all of us.
Please follow us through the following communication channels. As project club, we care about your ideas and projects. You can also contact us through our e-mail address.